Copy the prompt. Paste it in the chat.
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Instead of: "Tell me stuff about space."Try: "What are the top 5 mind-blowing facts about black holes?"
"I'm planning a surprise party for my dog. Any ideas for pet-friendly cake recipes?"
"What would happen if we replaced all cars with giant hamster balls?"
"Can you explain photosynthesis as a rap battle between a leaf and the sun?"
Instead of: "Wut r the coolest inventions evr?"
Try: "What are the coolest inventions in history?"
"What's the funniest joke you know?"
"I want to learn a party trick. For instance, how do I do that thumb-removal illusion?"
If "Why are cats so cool?" doesn't work,
try "What unique traits make cats popular pets?"
Start with: "What's a fun hobby to try?"
Then: "Tell me more about urban gardening!"
Finally: "How can I start a windowsill herb garden?"